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Liste des mariages 1829-1844 cathédrale N-Dame Ottawa

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Liste des mariages 1829-1844 cathédrale N-Dame Ottawa Empty Liste des mariages 1829-1844 cathédrale N-Dame Ottawa

Message  Tournesol Ven 25 Mar 2011, 8:57 am


Mariages à la cathédrale N-Dame Ottawa entre 1829 et 1844 dont ceux de plusieurs immigrants.
February 20, 2008:

Hi Al;

I have transcribed many of the marriages from the Drouin Collection (attached) for
your site. Many, many of the names are spelled wrong but I have tried to just spell
them as they are in the registers (although it went against the grain!!) - Many of
them give the parishes in Ireland where the people came from.

I have not transcribed all of them - quite a few I found just too hard to read or
make an educated guess at, so I left them out for someone else to mull over some day.

http://www.bytown.net/notredamemarriages.htm consulté 2011-03-25

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